Wednesday, December 17, 2003

And yes a Strokes collection is only existent in the context of an Ink Object.

A Strokes collection is created by an Ink object and can refer only to Stroke objects owned by that same Ink object.

simply to think of it in OO terms, encapsulation and all that ...

an Ink object is a container for Stroke objects, and a Strokes collection references Stroke objects.

ok we are going to overdo it a bit
an Ink object is a container for Stroke objects, and a Strokes collection references Stroke objects.
an Ink object is a container for Stroke objects, and a Strokes collection references Stroke objects.
an Ink object is a container for Stroke objects, and a Strokes collection references Stroke objects.
an Ink object is a container for Stroke objects, and a Strokes collection references Stroke objects.
an Ink object is a container
an Ink object is a container for Stroke objects,
an Ink object has a Strokes collection that references the Stroke objects.

an Ink Object has a collection of stroke objects that are stored in the Strokes Collection -- that's it....

INK is simply a bunch of strokes...How elegant.....

public class Ink : ICloneable

that's what that's about...Who is complaining.

A list of all the properties of the Ink Class reads like below, notice that the rest of the stuff is basically clueless, meaningless and really not such a big deal and could have been implement at the stroke level or wherever.
whats in there?
Property Description
CustomStrokes Returns the collection of custom strokes to be persisted with the ink.
Dirty Returns or sets the value that specifies whether the strokes of an Ink object have been modified since the last time the ink was saved.
ExtendedProperties Returns the collection of application-defined data that is stored in the Ink object.
InkSerializedFormat Returns a string that contains the name that should be used to query DataObject on the Clipboard to see if it contains that particular format
and what its all about

Strokes Returns the collection of all of the strokes in the Ink object.

more detail later with some code and that promised journal clone

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