Thursday, December 18, 2003

now this is the direction that computing in general will go, real human friendly interfaces
am not sure why blogger doesn't treat us like real customers, oh well, hope it has nothing to do with google, i like google, and i like radio
gotdotnet is flaky

yep i got

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if i get time, am done with blogger and gotdotnet, geues where are going, though i don't love CVS, but i love terminal console access, and guess who is running a serious blog hosting service
another day done, ok, never got to work on our project, and though i got lots of the editing stuff done (we are getting a larger standard toolbar -- remember we had 2, 1 just grew ) ummm and we will revamp the gotdotnet site and look at sourceforge too. Its 9:00 EST, i have almost 2 hours to work on WF so i hope we can get some stuff out
will get the good R1 up there shortly
at least, its supposed to be a Notes taking and Management system. Taking notes may note be very revolutionary, but managing notes might be the killer app of the tablet pc. And as previously posted ink is implemented very well so saving it in many different ways is not too bad ....
any ways its a note taking and management system a system
a very complete feature set , auto saving, note books , now all we need is more battery time, and larger displays with higher resolutions .....lonestar , longhorns and vector graphics
i fell asleep at about 2:00 last night so i wasn't able to post WriteFree, am at my day job so i might not get a chance to do the same , however if i get a chance during my lucnh break or something i will do the same.
I think OneNote is going to be the future of Office